Licensed and Insured Class A Contractor
Virginia - Maryland
Summit Electric, LLC delivers quality electrical services to Virginia and Maryland customers with reliable scheduling and integrity in our pricing and installations.

Why do we try to do the right thing right, on time, every time? To build and sustain relationships. Why do we seek zero defects and conformance to requirements? To build and sustain relationships. Why do we seek to structure features or characteristics of a project that bear on their ability to satisfy stated and implied needs? To build and sustain relationships. The focus of continuous improvement is, likewise, the building and sustaining of relationships.

Reliability infers consistency and dependability, two attributes we bring to every relationship we develop with our customers to give them piece of mind that their decision to trust us with their needs is the right one. Consistency and dependability are very important not only in how our customers see us but also in the systems we install. With our approach of quality being paramount in everything we do we deliver results that are consistent and dependable.

Knowing what is right. Through over thirty years of experience and continuing education we are able to possess the knowledge to provide a quality electrical system that is reliable and dependable. This is something that can only be achieved by knowing…..
and doing it.